The Walter Collective

As the spirits industry grows in its demands for more unique, high-quality beverage offerings, there is a business opportunity to bring diverse distillers together to create more interesting spirits. This is where The Walter Collective sees its opening to attract artisan spirits craftsmen from in the western region of the US to challenge the heritage of the spirit in the south and east.

Committed to creating high-quality spirits from the best and most innovative craft distilleries, these spirits are blended with one eye on tradition while giving today’s cocktail culture new taste profiles to discover.


Retail stores and the shelves in bars are full of traditional, recognized spirit makers, as well as newcomers making artisanal spirits. The labels of these bottles often speak to “heritage”, “highest quality ingredients”, processes, purity, and organics, as well as flavor/smoothness profiles. We have the opportunity to bring this collaborative distillation venture to the marketplace and create a unique customer experience. A distinct look and message that stands out from the pack. By leveraging our new name and the life and inspiration of Walter J. Bade, we intend to do just that.


The Walter's Collective Gin, Vodka, and Navy Strength Gin spirits have experienced steady growth since they initially launched in 2015. Walter's can now be purchased in more than 250 restaurant and retail locations in Washington, Oregon, and California.

Name / Brand Identity / Packaging / Labels / Collateral / VIP Box / Trade Show Banners / T-shirts / Hats / POP Display


Mountains Walking Brewery

